October 5, 2010

El grito del valle

We celebrated EL GRITO DEL VALLE at Dillon Vally Elementary again last month. We do it every year close to the 16th of September in honor of Mexico and Latin's America's Independence. We had a lot of activities like a 1.5K and 5K run, face painting, dancers from Mexico, and lots of great food and drinks.

¿Cuál fue tu parte favorito?

Posted by Anna L.

February 17, 2010

Presidenta en Costa Rica

Today we connected with our friends in Costa Rica via our wiki. We were both working on our wiki at the same time sharing what has been happening in our classes and working on our collaborative stories. We also learned that Costa Rica just voted in their first woman president a few weeks ago. ¡Qué chévere!

In the video below Shannon shares what she learned from Mariana.

What have you learned?

February 14, 2010

La Cultura

We used the tool Wallwisher to share what we have learned about different Spanish Speaking Cultures. Add your own.

February 1, 2010

Juan Carlos

We have been practicing the difference between what you do and what your friend does. Here is a story about a king in Spain that is having trouble remembering.

In the comments, write two things (en español) about Juan Carlos and then add two things about yourself.

January 26, 2010


Second Grade is working on feeling words in Spanish. Here is a Worlde with our newest story. Can you remember what happened in our story?